Create new account

*If your name includes the old font, please enter it in the new font (bye, bye, taka, etc.)

By clicking "Create", you agree to the terms of use and privacy policy .

About payment method

credit card
VISA/Mastercard/JCB/American Express can be used.
No payment fee is required for credit card payments.

Convenience store settlement
Payment can be made from Lawson/FamilyMart/Ministop/Daily/Seicomart.
The settlement fee for convenience store settlement is uniformly 330 yen (tax included).
Please pay at any of the convenience stores selected on the payment method input screen within 3 days from the day after the order date.

QR payment
PayPay/Merpay/LINE PAY can be used.
No payment fee is required for QR payment.

atone next month payment (convenience store/account transfer)
It is a next month payment that anyone can use immediately. You can pay for this month's usage at a convenience store or by bank transfer in the following month.
For details, please see the official page of atone .

About product delivery


Standard delivery: 950 yen
Nekoposu: 450 yen
Delivery to overseas: The amount varies depending on the country and region. Please check the payment page.